Haunted Hotels: Unlikely Entertainment Sources

By Erica Young

The historic Blennerhassett Hotel in Parkersburg has been in existence since 1889. It was built specifically for millionaires and was a symbol of luxury for the entire town.

The Blennerhassett Hotel in Parkersburg, West VirginiaIn 1979, the Blennerhassett fell victim to a fire that nearly destroyed it, but was restored (and underwent one more restoration in 1986) and remained a historic part of West Virginia.

However, guests soon started noticing some suspicious happenings.

There were reports of seeing a man in a grey suit with a beard wandering the hotel. This supposed ghost bears a striking resemblance to William Chancellor, the man who built the hotel. Guests have also seen and heard children whistling and playing tag in the hallways. Perhaps the most interesting occurrence is the “4 O’Clock Knocker,” who has been known to knock on doors at 4:00 in the morning, sometimes knocking at a different time or taking a break for months to throw people off.

hallway-2416517_1920.jpgThis story may not seem unfamiliar to many-haunted hotels are all over the media. They seem to be a subject of great fascination among the public.

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining tells the story of a man who is sent to work in the Overlook Hotel, where strange happenings occur and he begins to go insane. The movie received 86% on Rotten Tomatoes and is one of the most popular horror films of all time.

Disney’s Twilight Zone Tower of Terror attraction is one of its most popular and is based on 5 people disappearing in the elevator shaft of the Hollywood Tower Hotel and entering another dimension.

For whatever reason, hotels seem to be a foolproof location for creating a scary atmosphere, and people seem to love it.

Let us know your haunted hotel experiences in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Haunted Hotels: Unlikely Entertainment Sources

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  1. I’ve personally never had an haunted experience at a hotel, but I’ve heard some from friends and family. I feel like hotel ghost stories are very common and numerous shows and movies have featured them as you point out. This is the first I’ve ever heard of the Blennerhassett Hotel and you do a great job of explaining all of its background as well as tying these place/story into a bigger picture and subject.

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  2. I think we’re so fascinated about haunted hotels because we think it’s the easier way for us to be so close to the action. Personally, I think staying in a hotel is always creepy. I always find myself looking over my shoulder and thinking someones gonna be around every corner. I think people like to feel creeped out, and when they can do so overnight with their friends, they’re even more interested. I think horror movies sometimes focus on hotels because we find them creepy even when they aren’t haunted, so them being “haunted” just takes it up another notch for us.

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