How A Ghost May Have Come Back To Solve Her Own Murder.

You’re alone; the hairs on your neck stand on end and you suddenly feel a chill that travels up your spine. Many think of this as a ghostly encounter, but is there more to the stories we read?

sixty percent of Americans say that they have had an encounter with a ghost or paranormal experience. We live in a lovely age of reason, but that doesn’t stop ghost stories from scaring the crap out of us.


Photo: Pixabay, A spooky old house in the woods


Did you know that people dealing with intense stress are susceptible to seeing a ghost?! I feel I’m about two days away from meeting my first ghost.

A slew of other things as simple as monoxide poising can cause people to feel and see things that aren’t really there.

The first point brings us to a West Virginia Ghost story with a unique twist. In 1897 Zona Heaster Shue died unexpectedly. Her death plagued her mother so much that Heaster’s ghost returned to solve her death.

Heaster’s mother Mary, swore under oath that her daughter was murdered.


Photo:, Zona Heaster Shue


Heaster came to her mother in the night to tell the tale of how her husband murdered her. After being questioned in court Mary was able to accurately describe how her daughter was murdered. It held up in court!

How is this possible? Well, it is reasonable to believe that the stresses of losing her daughter lead to visions of Heaster. 

Being left alone with no answers lead Mary to become isolated. Left to praying for an answer she began to see her dead daughter. However, this doesn’t explain the accuracy in which Mary was able to convince a court of law that Heaster’s husband was the murderer. Doctors were called in to examine the body once more finding broken neck bones and a crushed windpipe.

There were no witnesses to Heaster’s murder.

The case is one of only one where a victim was able to come back and solve their own murder.


5 thoughts on “How A Ghost May Have Come Back To Solve Her Own Murder.

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  1. This is sort of like what the one brother, Steven, in The Haunting of Hill House was talking about in the show. I think I’m at least one episode he tried to explain to a woman she only thought she saw her dead husband because of other unrelated events that reminded her of his death and she was just so tired and missed him so terribly…yeah.


  2. This is a very interesting story. Ghosts are always so weird to me because there are people who will swear up and down that they saw them and that they’re real and in this case it proves the latter. How in the hell did the mother accurately describe her daughters murder? Something otherworldly helped her out and it ended up being her own dead daughter. This is actually a story I can’t wrap my head around and I will be thinking about all day.


  3. This story gave me chills! I never realized how many Americans have had an encounter with a ghost. It makes me think about when I’ve walked around my house and thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I can’t imagine being in a court room in the early 1800s. It’s amazing that you can find out information about court dates from that long ago.


  4. I feel like I’m one of the sixty-percent of American’s who has seen a ghost because my house is full of them. I thought this was a really good story, and I’m surprised that evidence like that would hold up in court! Maybe someone who did witness it came and described it to her so they wouldn’t have to testify so she made up the ghost story? Who knows, either was it was really interesting.


  5. This is a really interesting story. I, personally, believe in ghosts, and I find it so interesting that so many people claim they have had in interaction with a ghost. I think it’s so weird that this women claims her daughter came to her to tell her how she was murdered. I can’t help but think, what if it was just a dream and that isn’t even close to what really happened? I know I’ve had dreams that swore were real life, but were just a dream. I find is crazy that her story was able to hold up in court.


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